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Monday, September 20, 2010

Bicycle History

A lot of literature that explains the origin of bicycles in the world, based on findings that in the year to tell me convinced that the history of bicycles began in Europe. Around the year 1790, a successful first bike was built in England. The embryo of a bike is named Hobby Horses and Celeriferes. Both mechanisms have not got a bike today, stem and rudder pedal system. That there are only two wheels on a wood frame. Can be imagined, how awkward and big bike had a second look. Even so, they were enough to help the people in those days to walk.
Phenomenal discoveries in the story of the past thanks to a bike created Baron Karl von Drais. Von Drais listed as a student of mathematics and mechanics in Heidelberg, Germany managed to make an important breakthrough, which proved to be the foundation stone of the development of the next cycle.By Von Drais, Hobby Horse modified to have a steering mechanism on the front wheels. By taking the energy of motion of both legs, Von Drais able to glide faster time around the garden. He himself calls this vehicle with the name, Draisienne. The story itself was published in local newspapers of Germany in 1817. Creation process is then performed Kirkpatrick Macmillan. In 1839, he adds connecting rod between the rear wheels with front tires Draisienne. To run it, the existing residence pedal.
James Starley started building bicycles in the UK in 1870. He produces a bike with a huge front wheel (high-wheel bicycle) was very small rear wheel. This type of bike is very popular throughout Europe. For Starley managed to make a breakthrough by creating the wheel radius and cross-tangent method. Until now, the technology was still in use. Tail, the bike becomes easier to dikayuh.

Unfortunately, bicycles with big wheels it has many disadvantages. This became a dilemma for those who boned and petite women. Because the position of the pedals and the seat is high enough, they complained about the difficulty to drive it.Until finally, a nephew of James Starley, John Kemp Starley find a solution. He creates a safer bike to be ridden by anyone in 1886. This bike had a chain to drive the rear wheels and two wheels the same size. But no less important discoveries made John Boyd Dunlop in 1888. Dunlop motorcycle tires managed to find technology that can be filled with air (pneumatic tire). From here, the beginning of the rapid progress of the bike. Various forms of bicycles successfully created.As is known then, became the vehicle that's fun bike. In Indonesia, the development of a bicycle is much influenced by the colonizers, especially the Netherlands. They bring the production of bicycles in use around the country to enjoy the natural freshness of Indonesia. The habit is catching on the blue-blooded natives. Finally, the transport of bicycles so prestigious.
As written in the Columbia Encyclopedia, ancestor of the bicycle is estimated to come from France. According to newspaper history, the country has since the early 18th century knew two wheel transportation called velocipede. Over the years, velocipede became the only term that refers to the design of two-wheeled vehicles. To be sure, not familiar with steel construction. The model is still very "primitive". Some say that without a crank, pedal rod steering (handlebars). There is also a crank and the handlebars are familiar, but the construction of the timber.
Is a German named Baron von Drais Karls Sauerbronn notable as one falsifies velocipede. 1818, von Sauerbronn make two-wheel transportation to support the work efficiency. As chief forester Baden, he really need a highly mobile means of transportation. But, the model seems still ambiguous, between bicycles and horse-drawn carriage. So that people dub the Baron's creation as a dandy horse.
Only in 1839, Kirkpatrick MacMillan, a blacksmith born in Scotland, making "machinery" for bicycles. Certainly not a machine like that owned a motorcycle, but more like a driver who turned the crank, passing up and down movement of the foot pedal. MacMillan had been "brave" with a rod linking the steering crank this (simple handlebar).
While efforts to improve the free Britannica.com noted French inventor Ernest Michaux in 1855, with a ballast crank, until the rate is more stable bike. The more perfect after another Frenchman, Pierre Lallement (1865) strengthens the wheel by adding a ring of steel around it (now known as a rim or wheel). Lallement is also introducing a bike with the front wheel bigger than the rear wheels. But the most significant progress occurred during perforated steel-making technology is found, following a good growing iron grafting techniques, as well as the discovery of tire rubber as a raw material. However, safety and convenience factors remain unresolved. Because the suspension technology (per, etc.) has not been found, a shake and shock often leads riders back pain. Half joking, community bicycle dubbed as boneshaker Lallement (penggoyang bone). So do not be surprised if in the era of the 1880s, three-wheeled bicycles that are considered safer for women and men whose legs were too short for conventional bicycle became so popular. The trend of two-wheel bike back after the foundation of the worldwide first bicycle factory in Coventry, England in 1885. James Starley established factory was increasingly found momentum after the year 1888 John Dunlop invented the technology of tires in the wind. Rate the bike was no longer shaking.
Other inventions, such as brakes, gear ratio is replaceable, chains, handlebars that can be moved, and many more added attraction bike. Since then, millions of people start making bicycles as a means of transportation, with the U.S. and Europe as a pioneer. Although slowly, his role began to be removed cars and motorcycles, bicycles remain a watcher. Even his fans are known to be fanatical.
Now, the bike had a different name and model. There are tricycles for toddlers, mini bikes, "moped", to make a tandem bicycle ride together. Even sport bike racing to know at least three kinds of device race. Ie "road bike" for smooth roads that have up to 16 different gear combinations, "track bike" with only one tooth and the "mountain bike" that has 24 teeth.

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