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Friday, September 24, 2010

Pendem temple

Pendem temple, the temple site near ASU. named because the temple was like a buried soil. In this temple there are strange things like stone tools made of traditional games

Temples Lumbung

Temples Lumbung called by local residents on suspicion of first place store grain. These three temples are situated on the edge of Pabelan River, west peak of Mount Merapi, in the area of convergence of (combat) and the River Tlingsing Pabelan River

Temple ASU

Name temples located in the Village Temple Pos, Sengi village, district of Shaman, Magelang regency, Central Java province. Nearby there are also two other Hindu temples, the temples and temple Pendem Barn. The temple's name is the new name given by the surrounding community. Candi Asu called because near the temple, there are cow statue Nandi, vehicle of Lord Shiva who estimated the population as a statue asu 'dog'

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Two wedged Temple Agricultural Land

In contrast to the magnificent Borobudur temple which stood in a spacious complex, Asu temple buildings and temple located in the Village Pendem Sengi, Shaman District, Magelang District, it was almost hidden. In addition to the lack of signage pointing the location, these two temples were closed by high grass and weeds of rice farmland and chili hem on all sides.
Candi Asu relatively easily found because only about five feet from the asphalt road. However, the roadside scenery interrupted because of heavy grass weeds. Once inside the temple complex, which has size 10 x 10 meters, visitors can immediately see areas of chilli plants, which yesterday had not yet picked the fruit right in front-wire fence surrounding the temple.
Moreover, as far as the eye could see, the right side, left, and back also seemed filled with paddy fields and various other horticultural crops. Once inside, visitors would feel cramped and hard to move because of the distance between the boundary fence of the temple with only about two kilometers.
Jumad (42), interpreters keep Candi Asu, Temple Pendem, and Candi Lumbung, say, the only expansion efforts Asu temple complex ever undertaken Archaeological Heritage Protection Center (BP3), Central Java, just widen the entrance to the temple.
Previously, the entrance to the temple is very narrow and can only be crossed by one person. However, during the last ten years, eventually widened the driveway and be able to pass two people, he said.

Bike Anatomy

This time try to review on mountain bike parts, many of us have long been riding a mountain bike (MTB), but not knowing the components or parts of the bike you are taking.
With Tips and Tricks Zonasepeda this time we expected to find more in-depth critical parts of our bikes with the goal if there is a problem on one of the components that we can know with detail the cause and maybe even improve it.MTB mountain bike anatomy
MTB mountain bike anatomy
Handle BarsBetter known by the steering handlebar, in MTB have some type of Monkey Bar, Rise bar and standard bar. Handle Bar is the cockpit of our bikes, gear control transmission, front-rear brake on the handlebar was there. Select a handle bar that suits your needs.
Top TubeIt is part of a bicycle frame top, Tip: Adjust the size of the frame with your body
Down TubeIt is part of a bicycle frame, melitang from the headset is connected directly to the top Tube Seat, Stay and House BB (buttom Bracket)
ShifterGrupsets (component) transmission gear shifting, serves to drive the FD (front therear derailleur) and RD (rear therear derailleur), Shifter in the market for the propulsion RD achieve 90-10 speed, for Shifter FD usually consists only 2-3 speed.
HandgripIs the wrapping Handlebar (handlebar steering) made from rubber / tape depending on needs. Try handgrip on the handlebar does not turn when we drive, lever that is too thick or too thin, reduce our comfort in cycling.
Brake LeverBrake levers (front-rear) Brake positioned correctly laver kenyamaan adjust with you when biking, keep your fingers can easily reach the liver (a lever).
HeadsetThe front of the frame in which there are bearings and other components used to connect Fork (suspension) front with a stem and handlebar.
StemIs part of our bicycle cockpit, serves to connect the handle bars - Headset and Fork (suspension) front. Stem is available in several sizes for the front suspension a long (long travel) stem form is different from the standard stem, Tip: if you feel your stem is too long and we seem bent cycling you can replace it with a short stem size.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Bicycle History

A lot of literature that explains the origin of bicycles in the world, based on findings that in the year to tell me convinced that the history of bicycles began in Europe. Around the year 1790, a successful first bike was built in England. The embryo of a bike is named Hobby Horses and Celeriferes. Both mechanisms have not got a bike today, stem and rudder pedal system. That there are only two wheels on a wood frame. Can be imagined, how awkward and big bike had a second look. Even so, they were enough to help the people in those days to walk.
Phenomenal discoveries in the story of the past thanks to a bike created Baron Karl von Drais. Von Drais listed as a student of mathematics and mechanics in Heidelberg, Germany managed to make an important breakthrough, which proved to be the foundation stone of the development of the next cycle.By Von Drais, Hobby Horse modified to have a steering mechanism on the front wheels. By taking the energy of motion of both legs, Von Drais able to glide faster time around the garden. He himself calls this vehicle with the name, Draisienne. The story itself was published in local newspapers of Germany in 1817. Creation process is then performed Kirkpatrick Macmillan. In 1839, he adds connecting rod between the rear wheels with front tires Draisienne. To run it, the existing residence pedal.
James Starley started building bicycles in the UK in 1870. He produces a bike with a huge front wheel (high-wheel bicycle) was very small rear wheel. This type of bike is very popular throughout Europe. For Starley managed to make a breakthrough by creating the wheel radius and cross-tangent method. Until now, the technology was still in use. Tail, the bike becomes easier to dikayuh.


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